Name: Achmad Nur Ravi
SRN: 1801121279
Class: A
Three questions about Poetry (October 3rd, 2020)
1. What is poetry? Based on your opinion
- I think poetry is a written art or literary work that usually consist of moral message that release the imagination and creativity of the writers.
2. What are genres of English Poetry? give an example of each genres
- There are 3 types or kinds or main types of English poetry: Narrative, Dramatic, and Lyrical.
- Narrative is the kind of poetry that tells about story like the Epic and the Romance.
- Epic tells about story of a heroic figure.

- Romantic is a poetry in romantic era.

- Dramatic is a drama that written in poetry that needs performance by using actors.

- Lyrical is a poetry that expresses emotion and human thoughts.
3. What are genres of Indonesian Poetry? give an example of each genres
- Genres of poetry in Indonesian divided into three parts or types. Old Poem (1920), Modern Poem (1920-Present), Contemporary Poem.
- Old Poem have some rules such as :
- The amount of the word in 1 line
- The amount of the line in 1 couplet
- Rhyme
- The amount of syllable in 1 line
- Rhythmic
- The old poem can be found in various forms such as mantra, gurindam (poe), syair (bardic), pantun, bidal, pepatah (aphorism), and many more.
- Modern Poem
- Modern poem is identified from the amount of line in every couplet. It does not use the same rules as the old poem, but more importantly the amount of the line. Any poem from 1920 until present is considered as modern poem.
- Also, modern poem is divided into more specific categories such as
balada (balad), ode, himne (hymn), romansa (romance), elegi (elegy).
Epigram, distikon, satir (satire), sonata, and more. Most modern poem
includes the name of the poet and it mostly speaks of general life.
- Contemporary Poem
- The contemporary poem does no longer speak of how great the language of the poet. But it stresses more on the typography structure, the use of foreign words, and sometimes even harsh words.
- This type of poem is not bounded to the rules of old and modern poems
but it has its own characteristic to differentiate from the rest of
literature works. The characteristic includes selective choice of
diction which caters deep meaning, portrayal, and symbolism.